Encounters: The UFO Phenomenon, Exposed!
Encounters - The UFO Phenomenon, Exposed (1995).iso
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The following article appears in NightScapes (Vol. 2, No. 4). Subscriptions
are $13.00 a year/six issue; samply copy $3.00. For more information, write
to: P.O. Box 4559, Mesa, AZ 85211-4559.
Vol. 2, No. 4 is partly dedicated to UFOs and UFO investigations.
By Jay Barrymore
Some have commented about the amount of bickering that occurs
between those of the various religious factions, but nothing can
compare to the amount of treachery, back-stabbing, and rumor-
mongering that occurs among those who consider themselves UFO
Part of the reason for this is that UFOlogy is becoming a New Age
religion in it's own right. It is developing it's own mythology
and dogma, with die-hard believers of various organizations
committed to UFO research which can be likened to "sects" or
denominations. No religion wouldn't be complete without it's own
soothsayers, of which there are many types as well, from those
who channel alien entities from other galaxies, to UFO
spokespeople who claim to have government informants with the
impending release of Top Secret alien material and admissions of
government coverups.
This is not meant to be a putdown of those who consider
themselves to be UFO researchers, however, it is an observation
(and there have been many others that have made the same).
Research into what are UFOs is incredibly confusing, because
firstly, nobody really knows "who" their friends are. This is
the domain of paranoia and misinformation, caused by researchers
themselves, and various governments around the world. Why this
happens to be is one of those million dollar questions that needs
to be answered, but it is the current state of the UFO research
Though UFOs have been sighted around the world for millennia, the
phenomena really took off with the sighting of Kenneth Arnold's
nine crescent-shaped objects over the state of Washington in
June, 1947. From that moment, the number of UFO sightings shot
up dramatically, with the report of a flying saucer crashing near
Corona, New Mexico the following month. As the reports
continued, some became legendary, while others became "filler" in
various investigation filing cabinets.
The phenomenon continues today. Despite apparently half-hearted
Air Force investigation attempts, the lack of physical evidence
regarding UFO close encounters, and the in-fighting currently
witnessed among investigators by outsiders, the interest in UFOs
continues to grow.
What are UFOs? Are they actual alien-piloted spaceships from
another planet? Are they something produced by our collective
unconsciousness? Are they voyagers from another dimension? Are
they none of the above? Depending on whom you ask, you will most
likely receive a different answer for each question. The fact
is, nobody really knows what they are, and despite the various
efforts endeavored by numerous individuals, it doesn't appear
that answers are going to be forthcoming anytime too soon.
One theory is that UFOs are indeed piloted by aliens. However,
our world is not just being visited by one race, but by many!
>From various reports it has been indicated that some of the most
often encountered (and popular) alien-types are called The Greys.
These beings are about three to four feet tall, have large black
almond eyes, a head devoid of hair and other features (such as a
protruding nose), and skin which is usually a whitish/grey in
color (hence the term, "Greys"). However, there are other alien-
types as well, including blonde Nordic-looking ones, beings
called "Browns" (due to their skin color, etc.), Reptiloids, and
even a larger version of the Greys. These are just a few of the
many different racial types that have been reported by people who
have seen or been abducted by aliens.
The now defunct Fox T.V. show called Sightings reported that in
1992, over 10,000 UFOs were reported world-wide. It's apparent
that people are indeed seeing something in the skies, however,
there are some who don't feel it's spaceships piloted by little
green (or grey) men from another planet. Many skeptics feel
there are plenty of mundane and terrestrial explanations for UFO
sightings. Misidentifications of various objects, such as
reflected car headlights, luminous winged insects, Top Secret
government aircraft, regular civilian aircraft, celestial objects
such as the planet Venus, meteors, and so on, can account for
many UFO observations. However, other reports that intimate
contact with a craft on the ground, with strange beings, are a
little harder to explain away. Usually, though, depending on
each case, some sort of psychological explanation might be hinted
at, such as hallucination, or day dreaming, or, that the
individual is not telling the truth.
This brings us to another aspect of the UFO phenomena: Hoaxers.
In an attempt to obtain a good laugh at the expense of the
gullibility of others (and possibly some financial enumeration as
well), some purposely fake UFO sightings, to the point of hoaxing
photographs and videotaping small models of "flying saucers." If
the UFO researcher didn't have enough to do in wading through the
enigma itself, now he or she has to be on the alert of being
played the fool by practical jokers. There are several such
cases within the last two decades that have deeply divided the
UFO community as to whether they are authentic or not. One
includes the various sightings of Ed Walters in Gulf Breeze,
Florida, who has taken numerous photographs of alleged alien-
looking craft, and has helped spur on UFO sightings by other
people in the community. Though Walters has been debunked by
some as being a hoaxer, he has gained the endorsement of being an
"authentic" case by such integral luminaries as Dr. Bruce
Maccabee (a government research physicist who has examined the
Walters photographs and pronounced them "authentic"), as well as
MUFON's (Mutual UFO Network) International Director, Walt Andrus.
It's reported that Andrus has such conviction in Ed Walter's case
that he will continue to support it until the very end. However,
there are many others in the UFO field who are not quite as
convinced by the evidence.
Another such incident that has caused dissention among the
researchers is the Billy Meier's case in Switzerland. Despite
numerous photos and videos of craft allegedly flown by Nordic-
type aliens, some researchers have been convinced that the
objects being viewed are not alien craft, but are various types
of hub caps found on different makes, models, and vintages of
vehicles! The debate continues about the authenticity of Billy
Dr. Jacques Vallee, in a recent book entitled Revelations, has
also revealed some other startling facts that even cloud the UFO
phenomenon further. Dr. Vallee asserts that different
governments, including the U.S., have participated in strange
outings that can only be construed as "mock" alien landings
and/or abductions. The real reasons for these staged incidents
are yet to be known, but it's conjectured that they may be
psychological tests on military personnel and civilians to gauge
their response to such an unexpected and bizarre occurrence,
among other reasons. To be able to stage a "mock" flying saucer
landing, one then would assume that the U.S. military (as
possibly do other governments) have flying saucers to make the
landings. Circumstantial evidence indicates that they do!
This brings us to the strange objects sighted in the sky over the
Nevada desert north of Las Vegas. This place is commonly
referred to as "Area 51," "Groom Lake," or as "Dreamland." There
are many different designations for this tract of land, but they
all refer to a highly Top Secret U.S. Government military base
that apparently is the proving ground for "black" projects. It's
reported that the SR-71 spy plane and the Stealth Bomber were
both flown here while under the development stages (and there are
now claims that a new supersonic spy plane with speeds of Mach 8
or more called "Aurora," are currently be flown out of this
base). On any given day or night, sightseers flock on public
lands adjacent to the base to watch and witness strange aerial
acrobatics performed by a variety of aircraft that fly over-head
or off in the distance. One small town on Route 375 called
Rachel has become the stop-over for overnight trips to the area,
and boasts a small cafe called "The Lil' Ale-inn." Here, the
average tourist is reportedly able to buy a "sight-seeing" guide
to enhance one's chances of seeing some of the strange craft that
frequent the skies.
Area 51 makes an indelible mark on UFOlogy, however, due to the
claims of Robert Lazar, who allegedly worked at a facility called
S-4, located at Papoose Dry Lake. Lazar, who says he's a
physicist, was contracted out for some work at the highly Top
Secret Base. While there, he claims that he saw what appeared to
be nine flying saucer-like craft (one of which he was able to go
inside) and another that he witnessed hovering above the ground.
After being given various documents to be briefed on the project,
it was indicated to Lazar that the craft were of an
extraterrestrial origin, and that the U.S. was doing reverse
engineering on the saucers in an effort to duplicate them. Lazar
indicates that the one he worked on was powered by an anti-matter
reactor that was fueled by an element equivalent to 115 on the
periodic chart (the highest element we currently know of is 106).
Lazar also thinks he saw something "alien-looking" as he passed
by a door with a small window at one time (though he admits that
with the various mind-games that he was subjected to by the
military while on the base, the "thing" or "being" could have
been anything, including a dummy). Lazar's claims are
incredible, if true. However, just like with many other aspects
of the UFO realm, there is one "hang up": NO EVIDENCE.
In fact, Lazar is having a hard time convincing UFO researchers
that he's even a physicist! Apparently, upon background checks,
there's little to indicate anything of his schooling or work
history. All that is known is that his name appears in a 1982
Los Alamos National Laboratory phone book, but there's no
notation as to what department he was in. A W-2 form has also
been obtained, but there are some UFO researchers who feel that
this is a fake. Lazar has also undergone a number of polygraph
tests, however, while one examiner found him to be truthful, the
over-all results were inconclusive.
This brings up another aspect to the confusion that is a part of
UFOdom. There are allegations made by some that the government
(or governments) are in the UFO mis- and disinformation business.
According to Vallee in Revelations, a recurring scenario has a
UFO researcher being baited by someone connected to the
government into thinking they are willing to divulge some
classified material that's going to shed light on the alleged
extraterrestrial cover-up. However, after allowing the
researcher to make arrangements to disseminate this material to
the public, the information is then not presented, and the
investigator is left with egg on his or her face, and their
credibility damaged. Vallee relates that this type of situation
appears to happen often, and that he himself was placed in a
similar situation, (which he refused), and later was glad that he
Could it be that Bob Lazar was duped? That he was an unwitting
pawn to be used by the government to help spread more
disinformation about UFOs, while diverting attention away from
something else? To be given access to what would be considered
such classified material, Lazar would have certainly been given a
thorough background check. Was there something in his background
that would indicate that he would be an excellent security risk,
and would therefore be a good candidate to "spread the word"
after his employment at S-4? Or, is Bob Lazar a knowing
participant in this issue, and is willingly offering up bogus
information to add to the confusion? As you can see, there are
very many questions, and few answers. Unfortunately, this same
scenario runs parallel with many others involved in UFOlogy,
especially with researchers who turn flip-flops, put forward
disinformation, and then later acknowledge their deception, only
to make new revelations or allegations. What's also
disconcerting is that many of these individuals are speakers on
the UFO circuit, and get paid for their "disinformation" by
sincere and possibly gullible UFO enthusiasts who attend the
various conferences and conventions.
Turning from this mind boggling madness for a moment, one might
wonder, "If aliens are indeed visiting the Earth....why?" Some
of the speculation regarding this can range from spiritually
enlightening to downright horrifying!
One suggestion (coupled with cattle mutilations), is that the
aliens are involved in some type of genetics or biological
research. Many people who claim to have been abducted indicate
that the aliens appear to be interested in obtaining ovum, sperm,
skin and blood samples. There is the thought that the Greys are
trying to cross their race with ours, for whatever reasons, or
are interested in obtaining some other type of information.
Another indicates that the aliens are here in a religious or
philosophical context. The various channelers who believe they
are communicating with extraterrestrials are a well known aspect
concerning the New Age community, however, there are also
organizations that have formed due to materials or information
received through unorthodox means. For instance, the
organization known as UMMO, is allegedly the recipient of
extraterrestrial wisdom and information (despite the fact that
some investigators feel the photographs taken of UMMO spacecraft
are hoaxes).
Are aliens our space brothers, as some New Age channeler's claim?
Actually, the thought is not as far out as some might think,
especially in regards to our origins. Scholars such as Zecharia
Sitchin in his book, The 12th Planet, and Richard Thompson's
Alien Identities, both indicate that man's religions may be the
by-product of extraterrestrial interaction in the distant past.
Sitchin, who has vast knowledge of ancient languages, feels that
archaeology and anthropology show that the "gods" worshipped by
ancient Pagans were the Nephilim of The Bible (as was Yahweh, the
Hebrew god). The Nephilim were none other than an advanced
technological race of beings who not only helped man bring about
civilization, they were the "creators" of him. Meanwhile,
Thompson (who has a Ph.D in mathematics), feels that the Vedic
scriptures definitely show a correlation between what is
described in them and what is now being experienced as UFO
sightings and abductions (aspects of this topic were brought up
in two previous articles in NightScapes: "The Cosmology," Vol.
1, No. 5., and "A Commentary on the Cosmology," Vol. 2, No. 1,
where it's related that Gnostic writings indicate The Watchers
(i.e. Nephilim) descended upon ancient man, and provided the
spiritual spark that ignited many different religions).
Bob Lazar, while working at S-4, claims to have seen documents
that claim that human beings are actually "containers," and that
mankind is the result of 65 genetic corrections by alien
biological manipulations. He also read that Jesus and two other
spiritual leaders were genetically engineered and were implanted
into people, with their births closely monitored. A theologian
with a degree in physics, Dr. Barry Downing, also echoes
extraterrestrial involvement in man's past through his book, The
Bible and Flying Saucers.
Of course, there are those who feel that the aliens who are
believed to be visiting our planet are not benevolent, and have
very sinister motives indeed. A video taken aboard a recent
space shuttle mission (STS-48), shows what appear to be objects
some distance away from the craft having an outer space battle
(at least, this is the interpretation of some UFO researchers).
They feel that this extremely exciting video was accidentally
shot of the U.S. Star Wars Defense system fending off alien
aggressors. Explanations and interpretations from NASA personnel
feel that what was actually being seen were particles of ice and
debris being dislodged by thruster activity, and that instead of
being miles away, the objects were only a few feet from the
outside of the window. However, the debate continues.
Many people claim to have had (and continue to have) abduction
experiences, where beings invade their home or privacy, and
kidnap them for examination aboard a spaceship or on some alien
base. Some people feel that the aliens are benevolent, while
others consider them very malevolent (especially since they feel
molested by these uninvited intruders). Some of the abductees
are convinced that they have implants somewhere on their person,
which allows the aliens to track and locate them when wanted.
Unfortunately, not very much in the way of physical
extraterrestrial evidence can be shown in abduction cases,
especially in the display of removed implants. Considering
recent studies into the False Memory Syndrome (which appears to
be the origin of many Satanic Abuse stories), some researchers
are feeling that many abduction claims fall into this same realm,
and that they are generated by the abductee's mind. However, the
jury is still out on making a generalized pronouncement of this
type for ALL abductee cases.
As one can see, the field of UFO research is extremely complex
and confusing. When it's considered that many researchers
conduct investigations on their own time, sometimes using their
own money, it's a wonder that anyone still desires to participate
in such an activity (especially when one considers all of the
abuse, in-fighting, hoaxes, lying, frauds and falsehoods that can
be encountered while just trying to obtain the bare facts)!
Someone once said that it takes a special type of person to be a
UFO researcher. It would probably be more appropriate to say
that it takes a "special" type to remain one.
References Cited:
The Gulf Breeze Sightings by Ed and Frances Walters
Revelations by Jacques Vallee
The UFO Casebook by Kevin Randle
Alien Contact by Timothy Good
UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin Randle and Donald Schmitt
The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin
Genesis Revisited by Zecharia Sitchin
The Stairway to Heaven by Zecharia Sitchin
... NightScapes......a Journal of Magick, Paganism and the Occult
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